12th Hovaria® novelty: Hovaria® 'Ripple', 23 March 2003 Monday March 24th 2003 Hovaria brings the first plants of Hovaria® 'Ripple' als so called "Plant Primeur" on the flower auction in Aalsmeer, Holland.
This 12th Hydrangea novelty from Hovaria® has strong stems and large full flower heads with rounded white flowers. Each petal on its turn has an extremely bright red margin.
For a picture and an extended variety description, please click here.
Hovaria® Purveyor to the Royal Household, 17 May 2001
Hovaria® congratulates this bridal couple.
Introduction of the Hovaria® ’Love you kiss’ Again Hovaria® introduces a new Hydrangea: the Hovaria® ’Love you kiss’. This lacecap Hydrangea has large white florets at the outer edge of its inflorescences. Each petal on its turn has an ornamental red margin. By the superior bud development the Hovaria® ’Love you kiss’ will flower easily every year again and the hardiness in winter is just as that of other Hydrangeas. Both indoors and outdoors you will fully enjoy this special variety. More information about this special Hydrangea you will find on the page with the variety description .
Introduction Hovaria® ’Fireworks Pink’ After the successful introduction of the white ’Fireworks’ Hydrangea a few years ago, the Hovaria® nurseries now bring the ’Fireworks Pink’ on the Dutch flower auctions. Because of its robust way of growing the plants are supplied in 17cm pots. This Hydrangea with double florets may be reckoned among the best lasting Hydrangeas for indoors. The care of this exclusive Hydrangea and its winter hardiness are comparable with those of other varieties. The strong roots and stems are a guarantee for a healthy way of growing and flowering. Suitable for indoors, garden and terrace. For more detailed information about this new variety (picture included) we refer to the variety description elsewhere on this site.
Hovaria® Quercifolia "Best Novelty"
Hovaria® Quercifolia “Novelty of the month March” The Flower Counsil of Holland has declared Hovaria® Quercifolia “Novelty of the month March 2001”. Click here for the press report that is spread by the Flower Counsil.
Plant Prime introduction Hovaria® Quercifolia On 17 April 2000 Hovaria® Quercifolia is introduced as Plant Prime at the Flower Auction in Aalsmeer by the Hovaria® nurseries. This variety will be available only in small quantities; in this way not only the appearance but also the possibility to obtain this plant will be exclusive. Hovaria® Quercifolia belongs to the family of oak-leaf Hydrangeas.
Most exclusive of this Hydrangea is that it has double white florets in
its oblong flower bunches. Each flower will be flowering again and again out
of the heart with new little cream white florets. For more detailed information about this new variety we refer to variety description elsewhere on this site.
Holland Award 1999 for Hovaria® | |||
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Nomination Holland Award 1999 Both Hovaria® ’Hobergine’ and ’Fireworks White’ are recently nominated
for the Holland Award 1999. The ’Hobergine’ is nominated because of the dark purple colour of the flowers by
which it is a very welcome improvement of the existing Hydrangea assortment. Koos and Wilko Hofstede are one of the three remaining candidates who have a chance to get the Holland Award 1999, that will be presented the tenth time this year.
New transportation packing for flowering Hovaria® Hydrangeas Sometimes a long way has to be gone before the Hydrangeas from the Hovaria® nurseries have reached the retail outlet. To let them arrive in a best condition as possible, there is a new transportation packing for each plant. This packing has many little holes for a good climate within the packing during transportation. On this packing are among others tips for the transporter and the seller, by which the plant will arrive at you in the best condition.
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by Koos and Wilko Hofstede Copyright © 2000-2007. All rights reserved. |