Hovaria® 'Hobergine'
At last! A Hydrangea whose bloom colour ranges from a beautiful claret red to a gorgeous aubergine purple. And best of all, you can create your favorite shade of these colours yourself. Introducing the Hovaria® ’Hobergine’:

Hovaria 'Hobergine'

After it has flowered indoors, Hovaria® ’Hobergine’ can be planted outdoors where it will flower either antique pink to claret red or an aubergine to dark purple colour every year. You yourself can influence the colour by adjusting the acidity (pH) of the soil and the amount of light the plant receives. Annually adding or withholding alum will change the soil’s pH and, by experimenting, you can create your own magnificent bloom colors and even change them each year. You can achieve your favourite colour by following the simple guidelines below:

Antique pink If you have calciferous soil, apply no alum but provide a lot of shade;
Claret red If you have calciferous soil, apply no alum but provide a lot of light;
Violet If you have acid soil, apply alum and provide some shade;
Aubergine/purple If you have acid soil, apply alum and provide a lot of light.

For amounts of alum that can be given, see ‘blueing’ in the care assignments. Because no two soils are the same, you have to make experiments by yourself to determine the ideal amount of alum for your Hovaria® ’Hobergine’.

Indoors ’Hobergine’ blooms are stronger than those of most other varieties. If sited outside the plant will grow shorter and the flowerheads will be smaller than those of most other Hydrangea macrophylla varieties.

Some important tips for care indoors and outdoors:

Place this plant directly in a window with bright but not direct sun. A cooler, light place will extend the flowering time.
From early June to September it can be planted outdoors permanently (the sooner the better) since it is hardy.
Never plant your Hovaria® ’Hobergine’ where it receives direct midday and early afternoon sun even though it is more tolerant to sun than the average Hydrangea macrophylla.
Do not let it dry out; keep moist but not soggy.

Hovaria® ’Hobergine’ was awarded the Holland Award 1999 in March 2000, together with the ’Fireworks’ Hydrangea.

Hovaria 'Hobergine' in sparkling sunlight

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Created by Koos and Wilko Hofstede Copyright © 2000-2002. All rights reserved.
Last Modified: 26 April 2002